Copper Moonshine Still

DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol

DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol
DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol

DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol    DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol

This used distiller is a 50 L stainless steel kit designed for making vodka, gin or moonshine, (UK requires licenses). Also ideal to distil water.

This kit is suitable for producing liquor and liqueur. Made from durable stainless steel, this distiller offers a stylish yet functional option for those interested in crafting their own spirits at home. Was used for a year or so in UK's smallest distillery.
DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol    DISTILLER 50 L -large inlet- stainless steel STILL moonshine brew copper alcohol