Copper Moonshine Still

Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)

Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)
Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)
Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)
Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)
Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)

Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)    Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)

First of all, it's a small distiller and you can use a home stove (gas or electronic). The third feature, a gin basket (flavouring column & sieve) gives you more opportunities for experiments.

Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)    Copper moonshine still 1.3G (5L)